Monday, September 1, 2014

Home remedies for Hair Loss

Hair Care Tips for Hair Loss in Summer

Hair Tips

According to dermatologist lose of 50 to 100 hair daily is quite normal. But exceeding this figure is a serious condition. Many people are experience of hair loss at the age of 30.

Following are the some homemade masks and hair care tips for hair loss solutions. Try these easy hair tips to reduce hair loss.

Onion and Garlic

Garlic and onion are rich source of sulphur . Sulphur is an essential element for our body especially for our hairs. Sulphur  increases the production of collagen which in turn helps in growth of hair .
  • Chop onion into the fine pieces and squeeze the juice.
  • Apply this juice on your scalp and leave for 15 minutes.
  • Wash your scalp with water and shampoo on your hair.


  • Crush few garlic cloves and add some coconut oil.
  • Boil this oil for few minutes.
  • When this mixture is cool down, massage your scalp with this mixture.
  • For best result repeat this treatment two times a week.


Coconut is best conditioner for hair and it also promotes hair growth. Coconut milk contain protein, minerals such as potassium and iron. Regular using of it can reduce the hair loss.
  • Grate the coconut and squeeze its milk by mixing some water in it.
  • Apply it on your scalp and allow to stay overnight.
  • Rinse with water.


  • In a pan take 250ml of mustard oil add 60gm henna leaves.
  • Boil the mixture until henna leaves get totally burnt filter the oil.
  • Cool and store the oil in air tight container.
  • Massage hair with this oil on regular basis.


Amla contain Vitamin C and antioxidants and it is perfect solution for hair loss.
  • Crush amla fruit and extract its juice or you can also use amla powder.
  • Add 2 teaspoons amla juice or amla powder with equal quantity of lime juice.
  • Mix this mixture well. Apply to scalp and leave it to dry.
  • Rise your scalp with warm water.


Hibiscus is also good for hair. It not only nourish the hair but also prevents premature greying and helps in cure of dandruff.
  • Crush few flowers of hibiscus and add coconut or sesame oil.
  • Mix well and make a paste.
  • Apply this on your scalp and leave for few hours.
  • Rinse with water and shampoo.


Egg contains protein and minerals such as phosphorus, zinc, iron and iodine etc. it is also rich source of sulphur.
  • 1 Egg White.
  • 1 Teaspoon Olive Oil
  • Take egg white and olive oil. Beat it well and apply to the scalp.
  • Keep it for 15-20 minutes.
  • Use cool water to wash your hair and shampoo.


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